MRDA Officiating Updates and Creation of Three New Committees

MRDA Officiating Updates and Creation of Three New Committees

Immediate Release

January 2, 2013 – The Men’s Roller Derby Association is proud to announce it now has 111 MRDA Officials and has created three new committees. MRDA Officials are referees, non-skating officials, and announcers who work in conjunction with member leagues to
consistently and effectively volunteer their time to uphold MRDA Rules, Code of Conduct and Bylaws, and to support the growth and development of the MRDA.

By reaching the 111-official mark, the MRDA continues to support its mission to promote and grow men’s roller derby. For more information on becoming an MRDA Official, go to

MRDA is happy to announce that Miss Trial has been re-elected as MRDA’s 2013 Director of Officiating. Any questions with respect to MRDA Officiating can be addressed to her here: [email protected]

MRDA is also pleased to announce the creation of the Training and Development Committee, responsible for officials’ training and for upcoming MRDA clinics. This new committee will be headed by Anne Persand. More information regarding MRDA
officiating clinics is coming soon.

The newly-formed Safety Protocol Committee will be in charge of overseeing compliance with safety standards at bouts and tournaments. Bambi Lance will head this committee.

The third new committee, the Welcoming Committee, will be in charge of initiating newly-approved MRDA member leagues. The Welcoming Committee will also be responsible for offering guidance on how best our new member league’s can participate within the MRDA, by offering instruction and answering questions regarding our inner workings and available positions. Blueberry will head the Welcoming Committee.